Saturday, May 9, 2009

Black Women Pressuring Men to Commit Because Their Biological Clock is Ticking

This is a topic from a good friend of mine. Please place your comments!!

I have a topic that I would like to discuss. Women that pressure men to commit because their biological clock is ticking or because her friend Erica just had a baby and it is making you feel left out.

In my humble opinion just because your biological clock is ticking shouldn't cause you to force your man to make a life changing decision to commit to you, especially if he is not ready. That is like you are a homeowner and you need to sell your home in the few months because you are facing foreclosure. Yes, I may be a potential home buyer and would like to buy your home, but I am not going to make a deal "close" on your home because you are pressed.

Pressuring a man to commit is not only selfish it can also make for a very resentful situation down the line. You may question yourself, if you wanted to settle down and have children then why did you wait until the last minute. I know there were some folk in your earlier years that could have made that happen, but you were too picky. In other words, the house that you had on the market was priced TOO HIGH!!!

1 comment:

  1. The trouble with a lot of men who are asking this question is that they lead women on. If you are in a relationship and are well past 30 years-old, most women are looking for a commitment. These men who are in their 30's who are still trying to live like they're in their 20s, mess the game up. If you are not interested in marrying the woman you have been dating for God knows how long, end the relationship. Everything is not always on your time. If you talked to her about having a family early on the relationship instead of admitting you would just like to date, then she might not be asking you to commit. Encourage her to see other people because one thing Black women--hell ALL women hate is to waste their time on some man who has no intention of being serious, especially when we are at a point in our lives when are ready for commitment. BW you cannot play the field forever. And the only thing waiting on the freak train is gonna get you is a pot of LONELINESS and a side of RESENTMENT when you decide YOU want to settle down and you're deemed "THE OLD MAN AT THE CLUB".
