Monday, April 13, 2009

With Barack Obama in Office, It's Time for More Bruthas to Step Their Game Up

It takes a lot to impress me. I've seen it all. Even the things that are supposed to be impressive are not. But like so many others, I was impressed when I saw Barack Obama elected the 44th President of the United States. I still get teary-eyed when he steps to the microphone, in his impressive suits, with his intelligent beautiful wife by his side. He's a proud man, proud husband, and a proud father. When will his pride transcend to some other bruthas? You know, the ones who walk around with their pants sagging, unkempt hair, gun-toting, weed-smoking, seemingly hopeless cases who need help but don't know how to get it or are afraid to ask? Why aren't more black males serving as role models and being better fathers? When will they learn that the bling is not the only thing to strive for? It does not signify that you've made it, nor does the car your pay $1200 a month for but you park it on a back alley of your $900 a month apartment. When will you step it up?


  1. I have no problem stepping my game up, because I am a grown man. However, I do a problem with the idea of women asking men to act like men when they have no traits of anything closely related to a grown woman. I have dated several women that can't cook, can't clean.etc...However these same women want a man to be a man. You can't get sugar from shit. So I believe this is something both genders should try to do. Lastly, ladies stop acting like you are special because you go to work everyday as if that should supplement for not knowing how to do anything else. It is tired and men are sick of it, or telling men how many degrees you have....NEWSFLASH WE DON'T CARE ...HOW DOES YOUR DEGREE BENEFIT ME, ITS NOT LIKE YOU WANT TO SPEND ANY MONEY ANYWAY, SO YOUR DEGREE DOES NOTHING FOR ME. Especially the one's 35 and over ..I mean damn...Your looks are fading so its time to step up your other attributes.

  2. Also black women who constantly put down black men....NI**as aint sh*t you think this is helping the overall cause for black men. Do you think by constantly telling him you dont need him is helping...........NEWSFLASH...BLACK MEN HAVE NO PROBLEMS FINDING A MATE...BLACK WOMEN DO...YOU NEVER HEAR BLACK MEN TALKING ABOUT FINDING A WIFE.... CAUSE WE CAN WHENEVER WE WANT.ESPECIALLY IS YOU ARE OVER 35.......Black women need to realize that instead of condemning the black man...lift him up and appreciate him ...Maybe then he will apprciate YOU

  3. Basically women need to feed the insecurities of the black man's ego if she wants a man.
