Thursday, April 16, 2009

Has Your Relationship or Lack Thereof with Your Father Affected Your Role as a Man?

Having a father and having a relationship with a father is two different things. My father was in my house, but mentally he was somewhere else. He seemed to find time for everyone but his family. And now that he is older, he wants to play catch up. He missed proms, father-daughter dances, graduations, and learning about us. But it's too late and the bar is closed. I don't mean to sound bitter, but it is a genuine thought. Me and my sister's are in our 20s, 30s, and 40s respectively, I mean what are you going to do? Take us out for ice cream?

While my sisters and I remain cordial, it is hard to try and connect with someone who has missed out on half of your life. I think perhaps if he had not been there at all it would have been easier to deal. You can't miss what you never had, right? I know so many people who have had issues with their fathers not being there. They go above and beyond the call of duty with their kids just to make sure they don't experience the same fate. Then there are those who simply disregard fatherhood and blame the mother for "having a kid" to spite him. Well, you should've strapped up if you didn't want a kid and it isn't their fault. Make lemonade with the so-called lemons you get. Black children need their fathers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than other folks. The majority of our households are run by single women, and that is not a good look.

Monday, April 13, 2009

With Barack Obama in Office, It's Time for More Bruthas to Step Their Game Up

It takes a lot to impress me. I've seen it all. Even the things that are supposed to be impressive are not. But like so many others, I was impressed when I saw Barack Obama elected the 44th President of the United States. I still get teary-eyed when he steps to the microphone, in his impressive suits, with his intelligent beautiful wife by his side. He's a proud man, proud husband, and a proud father. When will his pride transcend to some other bruthas? You know, the ones who walk around with their pants sagging, unkempt hair, gun-toting, weed-smoking, seemingly hopeless cases who need help but don't know how to get it or are afraid to ask? Why aren't more black males serving as role models and being better fathers? When will they learn that the bling is not the only thing to strive for? It does not signify that you've made it, nor does the car your pay $1200 a month for but you park it on a back alley of your $900 a month apartment. When will you step it up?

For Black Men Only

You asked for it, so here it comes. Here's a place where the bruthas (and sistahs) can come and vent, discuss relationships, taboo topics, baby mama drama and all--respectfully.

Rules for "For Black Men Only" Blog;

1. No name calling.
2. No usage of real names.
3. No distribution of personal information (i.e. addresses, phone numbers, socials.)
4. Gossip is fine, however, be mindful of what you post and who you post it about, especially if you are not posting from a secured computer.
5. Topics will be moderated. (If you wish to be a moderator, contact me.)
6. Requests for certain topics will be considered and posted consistently.

That's all for now!!